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“Alleluia Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Join us in person or online as we celebrate the risen Christ, who has brought Light and Life and Reconciliation!

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Presiding today is The Rev'd Dyan Davison with The Rev'd John Macquarrie preaching.

Readings: Acts 9. 1-20  •  Psalm 30  •  Revelation 5. 11-14  •  John 21. 1-19

Planning to visit in person?

For those who wish to worship in person, please note the following (and watch for revisions after April 8):

  • While Masks are no longer required by mandate, please consider wearing a mask inside as we support one another and recognize we all have our own risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Please continue to be respectful of one another's physical space.

You can read more about how things look at St Mary's under the current restrictions by following this link. Things do look a little different, but whether we worship in person or online, we worship together.

As always, when you consider whether you should come, please give yourself a quick personal health check:

  • Do you feel unwell at all?
  • Do you have an underlying health condition that puts you at greater risk in public places?
  • Do you live with, or care for, someone who is at greater risk?

If you answer 'yes' to any of these questions, please stay home and safe—and if you feel unwell, call 8-1-1 for medical advice.

The Collection Plate (donate online via CanadaHelps)

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