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Two and half years ago, the community that brought us the Churchmouse Bookshop branched out. Thanks to the leadership and vision of founding coordinator and host Anita Lahey, the After Hours Coffeehouse was born, and the rest is history.

And that history continues! Anita and her family moved back to Ontario in the Spring, but we are thrilled that longtime Coffeehouse-goers Diana Tolson and Mike St-Yves have agreed to take over as Coordinators. Mike and Diana will be hosting the very first Coffeehouse of the Autumn season on Wednesday, September 25, and will coordinate a variety of experienced hosts for the rest of the year—and beyond, we hope!

Here are short self-introductions from Diana and Mike:

Diana: I’ve grown up in Oak Bay and love it dearly. I went to Monterey; Oak Bay Jr and Sr High schools and was married in this church! I’ve appreciated Church Mouse After Hours with Anita Lahey’s bright spirit at the helm, and the participation of many others in this engaging community event.

Mike: After living and working across Canada, I retired to Oak Bay almost 3 years ago. What a welcoming place to explore and keep busy. Rambling around I came upon Churchmouse Bookshop and learnt about something called the After Hours Coffeehouse. Wow, a diverse community sharing ideas through poetry, music, and stories. What fun!

Welcome, Mike and Diana. We look forward to the bright future together!