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We are pleased to announce that St Mary’s has at long last become more bike-friendly! In the week before school started, shiny new bike racks were installed in front of the main church entrance and at the main entrance to the Canadian College of Performing Arts. Now visitors to 1701 Elgin Road can ride their bikes in the happy knowledge that there are places to park and secure them—and visitors who rely on the handrails can rejoice as well! ;) That’s a lot of rejoicing!

New and returning students of the CCPA are already using the new racks each day, as have visitors to the giant Autumn Book Sale on September 8 and, of course, worshippers on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Assisting Rev’d Craig with the installation was returning CCPA student, the mighty Emily Lutz, pictured above—thanks, Emily!)

The purchase and installation of the racks was made possible by funds originally donated all the way back in 1976 in memory of Canon Frederick Pike in support of Camp Columbia. When the Camp ceased to operate, the funds were returned to St Mary’s. Our Parish Council decided to use the funds in ways that will continue to support our community nurturing and outreach activities, including the bike racks and some security measures to ensure the safety of children using the new playground behind the church—especially the children of our friends at the Oak Bay Parent-owned Preschool.

Come try out the new bike racks!