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Dear St Mary’s family,
This is a Good News season! Together, we have come a long way on this journey through the global COVID-19 pandemic, which began in earnest a little over three years ago. At St Mary’s we have always been very careful, during that journey, to look out for the most vulnerable among us. For the most part, it seems we have been successful in limiting the spread of the disease during St Mary’s events, and in spite of the average age of our congregation, we have been among the leaders in our diocese in making alternative participation in our service possible through live streaming.
On the advice of the diocesan COVID Response Team, we believe it is now time to lift the last remaining restrictions relating to the wearing of masks during worship. From this point, we simply encourage everyone to remember the good practices we all learned (or re-learned) during the height of the pandemic: that we keep washing our hands frequently; that we each monitor our own personal health for symptoms of illness, and if there’s any doubt, remain home or at least wear a mask in public places; and that we respect one another’s personal space and choices. Dr Bonnie Henry's longstanding advice will always hold true, whether we are masking or not: Be Calm, Be Kind, Be Safe.
The Wardens and I are confident that we will continue—together—to grow in Grace as we continue to look out for one another. And we rejoice that we are now able to enjoy a renewed freedom in our life as a community.
The Rev’d Canon Craig Hiebert
Incumbent, The Church of St Mary the Virgin