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Traditionally, many of our churches celebrate the very beginning of the story of the Resurrection of Jesus by kindling a new fire outdoors, and from that fire, lighting a new paschal candle. The candle then leads the people into our darkened churches, from it the candles of the people are lit, and symbolically we celebrate the Light of Christ that the darkness cannot put out.

For the second year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot gather in person for worship within our churches, and yet we affirm that this Light of Christ comes anew into our neighbourhoods, offering Hope and Life.

Join us as leaders of Anglican parishes in these islands and inlets stand outside their churches with their newly lit pascal candles, proclaiming the Light of Christ. Then follow us inside virtually as we hear the saving works of God re-told in the Vigil and reaffirm our baptismal vows.

This will be a brief live stream, viewable on this page, and the recording will be made available afterward.

Led by The Right Rev'd Anna Greenwood-Lee, Bishop of British Columbia (the Diocese of Islands and Inlets), the Exultet sung by The Rev'd Patrick Sibley, Deacon at St John the Divine, Victoria. Facilitated by the Rev'd Canon Craig Hiebert, Incumbent of St Mary the Virgin, Oak Bay.